Where can Residents get help if they suspect they are being over-charged on utility bills?
Most parks are “master-meter” operators that own, operate, and maintain the electric, gas and water distribution system within the park and bill their residents with the monthl
2025 Mobile Home Residency Law (MRL) + Frequently Asked Questions
2025 Mobile Home Residency Law (MRL) + Frequently Asked Questions The California Civil Code Section 798, or the MRL as commonly referred to, is generally amended each year by the S
Nationwide Injunction Temporarily Halts Enforcement of Corporate Transparency Act Reporting Rule
Nationwide Injunction Temporarily Halts Enforcement of Corporate Transparency Act Reporting Rule On December 3, 2024, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas issu
Can the resident be forced to move their home out of the park when they sell it just because the home is old?
If the home is NOT a mobile home (less than 8 feet wide x 40 feet long) and is therefore classified as a recreational vehicle (trailer), the resident has no right to sell it in pla
2 reasons why a trust should be part of your estate plan
Most people know what a will is and how they work – but trusts are still unfamiliar to many. Yet, trusts have become an increasingly valuable tool for estate planning. A trust, j
What everyone should know about trusts
Nearly everyone builds up some sort of assets during their lifetime. You even have some sort of an idea about how you want to divide your estate after you pass. The question is,
Ways parents can use an incentive trust to motivate their children
Job performance reviews are commonplace among professionals as they advance in their careers. Why should it be any different when it comes to trusts? When undergoing estate plannin